Calla Lilies Bouquet: Beautiful Large White Calla Lilies, Simple And Elegant with Complimentary Greens.
Many brides are adding a touch of color to their bouquets by choosing from a number of brightly colored calla lilies that range from bright yellow to deep burgundy. For an autumn wedding, combine dark yellow calla lilies with orange-hued roses, or make bouquet from golden orange lilies tied together with raffia. For a romantic effect, make a bouquet from 12” long wine colored stems. A bouquet made of dark purple calla lilies is perfect for a winter wedding, especially when combined with dark pink mini calla lilies. To add a touch of whimsy, bundle together white calla lilies and add a ring of grape hyacinth or dark pink roses to accent the white lilies. For a spring wedding, bundle together two colors of yellow calla lilies, with the darker lilies (such as gold rush or millennium gold lilies) in the center and the lighter lilies (such as lemon chiffon lilies) circling the darker lilies. Alternatively, combine white mini calla lilies with calla lilies of a different shade, such as amethyst (a beautiful shade of purple) or cherry chiffon (a bubble-gum pink) for a colorful touch. No matter which option you choose, you are sure to have a beautifully elegant bouquet that matches your unique style!
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