This beautiful bouquet, combining full-sized and mini callas, offers great visual depth and dimension. To create it yourself, place five full-sized white calla lilies in the palm of your hand. Arrange the flowers into a rough arrow shape, with the middle flower being the tallest, and the rest gently sloping down. Now continue to fill out the arrow shape by adding eight mini calla lilies in pink, red, or yellow.
To finish the bouquet, gently close the palm of your hand to bring the stems together and tie off with floral tape. Complete the look by wrapping the stems with a wide satin ribbon of your choice.
Callas look every bit as beautiful in combination with other fresh-cut flowers. Roses and callas are a tremendously popular pair, drawing every eye to your bridal bouquet or centerpieces.
Simply alternating roses and callas will make for a beautiful, simple hand-tied wedding posy. The flowers' contrasting contours and hues will add richness and visual interest to your bridal bouquet. Another popular look is to give your callas pride of place in the center and surround them with a contrasting bloom.
Don't be afraid to experiment with color. For the pastel atmosphere that fairytales are made of, surround your statuesque callas with a slightly lower ring of soft pink roses.
For a more contemporary and unabashedly bold look, surround your callas with the nest of green roses or lime green button mums.
A no-holds-barred romantic wedding calls for the crisp contrast of tall, white callas emerging from a garland of dark red roses.
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